

Rae was abandoned in the middle of the night in a local park - thankfully she was found the next morning. With a bit of time to heal from some road rash and get back to a healthy weight, Rae was eager for her forever home!

Here's what her forever family had to say about her:

Rae quickly adjusted to a life with 2 cats and a human brother (who is away at school) and human sister (who is home remote learning from college). Rae’s favorite parts of the day are morning and evening walks with mom. We are up to 3-4 miles every day. Being a lap dog is Rae’s second best thing. Rae LOVES her cat brother, Earl, and the two are often playing around the house while her cat sister, Rhiannon, looks down on their childish ways. Rae is still learning good manners around other dogs, and how to control her food obsession. She is a great companion that brings love to her new mom who was recently widowed.

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